
Game Of Thrones: Season 7 7eps

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From Imagination to Reality: Inside the Art Department - Extensive two-part featurette detailing the astonishing work of Production Designer Deborah Riley and her Art Department, dissecting the process behind the creation of this season s incredible new sets, including Dragonstone, Casterly Rock, Highgarden, the Dragonpit, and more.

Fire & Steel: Creating the Invasion of Westeros - Revisit this season s most pivotal moments with this behind-the-scenes featurette, including interviews with key cast and crew breaking down how fans favorite moments were created.

11 Audio Commentaries with the cast and crew, including David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Lena Headey, Kit Harington, Pilou Asbæk, Gwendoline Christie, Liam Cunningham and more.