KNOW BEFORE YOU EAT (no, even before you COOK): When making the nutrition plan, we always think in terms of Calories, right? Ekco’s pasta measure determines the quantity of pasta with the ease. Forget those nifty calculations and gain the control over what and how much you do eat.
MEASURE 1 TO 4 SERVINGS: Four different sizes to portion your spaghetti. So you can simply follow the diet as well as prepare different dishes with a professional touch.
DURABLE – STURDY BUILT: Made of food grade, premium quality plastic to bring the best heavy duty product; lasts far longer than you’d imagine!
EASY TO DEAL WITH – LIGHTWEIGHT: Designed to bring the perfect mix of comfort, control, and results. Weighs 1.6 ounces only while the size accords with your hands. Plus it is DISHWASHER SAFE. In short, perfect.